Here is a list of websites that go in depth into different topics of our faith. They will be able to answer questions about the bible and Jesus Christ. While we don't agree with everything on them, we hope they will help you grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Word.
- http://www.ccphilly.org/resources/online-bible-studies/ (Pastor Joe Focht's topical and whole Bible book studies. Wonderful.)
- www.calvarychapelpasadena.com (Wonderful place to go and hear God's Word Preached, or to listen online. Pastored by Xavier Ries)
- http://www.blueletterbible.org/ (Here you can study through the Word of God with great Bible teachers, including Pastor Chuck Smith.)
- http://www.davidhocking.org/index.php (The ministry of Dr. David Hocking. Lots of prophecy information and websites.)
- http://www.alwaysbeready.com/ (Charlie Campbell's website answers questions about the cults and gives reasons to believe in the Bible.)
- http://www.ttb.org/ (Dr. J.Vernon McGee's Website with notes and outlines of the entire Bible. A treasure.)
- http://www.thebereancall.org/ (The ministry of Dave Hunt. A source of answers to what is ailing the church today.)
- http://www.answersingenesis.org/ (Ken Ham's website. Great teacher of Early Earth Creationism.)
- http://www.understandthetimes.org/ (Roger Oakland's Website. Roger has his finger on the pulse of the current church. A friend of this ministry.)
- http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/ (David and Deborah Dombrowski, Editors)
- http://www.raystedman.org/ (Ray Stedman's Website. Former pastor of Peninsula Bible Church.)
- Need a FREE Hebrew Old Testament and/or New Testament for a Jewish person? Email Jerry @ "[email protected]".
- https://psychoheresy.com (Martin and Deidre Bobgan's ministry informing the church agains psychology )
Have more questions? Feel free to ask questions by emailing us at [email protected]